Group Coaching Replays
October 2, 2024
We talk about:
- Self-Isolating
- Finding Friends at any age
- How to navigate The Merriment Makers -- where to start?!
November 1, 2024
In this Group Coaching Call I answer two questions on Procrastination!
1) Why do some people procrastinate so easily
2) What are helpful things to do to break the habit of procrastinating?
I talk about:
- The main theoretical/philosophical reasons your procrastination is occurring and give you some journaling prompts
- The secondary gains (things you feel you are GETTING) from avoiding the things you want/need to do
- Shifting your belief of being you’re a procrastinator and how you need to have space to grieve your secondary gains
- 10 tips for breaking the habit of procrastination
- Ideas for gamifying these tips
Please check out these additional resources that are already available in your Library on Procrastination:
- Entire module on Motivation and Procrastination
- Merriment Mondays on Motivation
- Chapter 5 is of my second book which you have PDF access to (sidebar of dashboard) is on Motivation
- EFT for procrastination in the Motivation module
- Tough self-love podcast
- Virgo Season Workshop (Perfectionism, Nurturing the need to fix, Creating dedication, and an EFT towards the end)
- How To Stay In A Good Mood/Happiness Habits Podcast
- Merriment Morning Ritual Podcast
December 6, 2024
Topic - Grief
Today the submitted question was: "What are ways to not become completely consumed by grief when experiencing a life-changing (bad) event?"
I cover this in 3 parts:
- How to navigate grief overall
- How to deal with grief "on the go", when you're busy
- How to handle grief when you're in the middle of those painful moments when you feel like you're going to burst
Resources mentioned:
- Somatic Awareness Practice (Embodiment Module)
- Calm Down Kit (Anger Module)