Jumpstart Your Joy Class
Party Launch!
Party Launch Replay
An hour feel-good, mood boost kicking us off!
I led a virtual party and e-social with a funny and wholesome meme slideshow, a caption contest, a background contest, Merriment Missions, dancing in a panda mask, and group coaching.
There's props like bubbles, slinkies, giant sunglasses, lollipops, noise blowers, balloon dogs, knex balls, and sparklers!
This isn't a lesson. There's no homework besides whatever color card you draw from the Merriment Missions deck to go have a fun time this weekend!
Start your first lesson below!
We're talking about what's keeping you from having fun. Big distractions! I know this is tough. Stay with me. It gets easier and more fun!
Step 1: Download your workbook
Step 2: Watch the Lesson 1
Step 3: Post your responses in the Facebook Group (each worksheet tells you exactly what to post each day)
A) What you learned about your own screen habits
B) What you've been doing for fun that you want to reevaluate (add more of or stop doing)
C) What your plan is for adding a speed bump to your phone before the next lesson
Lesson 1
Lesson 1 Workbook
Bonus - Phone Wallpapers
Your Fun Algorithm
This is a big day! We're learning ingredients for your unique fun sauce.
Step 1: Download your workbook
Step 2: Watch Lesson 2
Step 3: Post your fun magnet answers in the Facebook Group as instructed in the video and the workbook
A) What your favorite three fun magnets are (one from each category)
B) When and how you're planning on having fun with those magnets in the near future
C) What support and supplies you'll need to make sure this happens
Lesson 2
Lesson 2 Workbook
Bonus - Fun Algorithm Manifesto
Fun Challenges + Fears
You're doing great! We're halfway through!
Now that you're making more space for fun and are getting clearer than ever about how to attract it, we need to make sure we're not letting any obstacles keep you down.
There are real challenges in life AND our minds that will prevent us from succeeding at anything. So today we're going to go through what those might be and break them down with logic and logistics.
Step 1: Download your workbook
Step 2: Watch Lesson 3
Step 3: Post your fear + action step answers in the Facebook Group as instructed in the video and the workbook
A) What fear you learned was keeping you from having fun
B) What action step you're taking today
C) What your new positive affirmation is and where you're going to write it
Lesson 3
Lesson 3 Workbook
Bonus - EFT/Tapping: Call In More Fun
What is tapping?
If you've never tapped before, this is a "shadow work" technique we use in the Merriment Makers Membership, which is basically just talking while tapping on parts of your body.
The parts of your body are "meridian points" which correlate to major organs and energy centers and the tapping mimics acupuncture/acupressure.
The talking is a combination of identifying what your problem/fear/challenge is and then shifting focus to what you want to call in. Essentially positive affirmations.
Why does it work?
The combination of acknowledging the issue, positive affirmations, acupressure, meridian energy points, and combination of cerebral and somatic work at once is a highly effective tool for creating change on a "limiting belief".
It was first developed as a tool for Veterans suffering from PTSD and continues to be extremely effective today.
If you want science to back it up, check out the research section of this Medical News article.
If you're skeptical, give it a try. You've only wasted a few minutes.
What do you do?
All you have to do is tap on your body where I tap and repeat after me.
If you can't reach a point or miss something, it's okay. It still works.
You can do this as often as you'd like.
Today we're learning an easy to remember algorithm (SPARK) to give you tools to start having fun now and keep having fun in the future!
Step 1: Download your workbook
Step 2: Watch Lesson 4
Step 3: Post your fun action answers in the Facebook Group as instructed in the video and the workbook
A) What area you're going to clean/declutter to make space for a playground
B) What you're excited to do in the playground area
C) What one of your solo fun activities you can do in your playground is
Lesson 4
Lesson 4 Workbook
Bonus: Permission Slip
FUNdamental Truths
I can't believe we're on the last task! I'm so sad because I know I won't get to work closely with those of you who haven't joined the Merriment Makers Membership... and I'm going to miss you SO MUCH!
But let's not go off on a tangent, because today you're getting 11 tips for how to adopt a Fun Mindset and some FUNdamental truths to send you on your way. I know you're going to keep attracting fun in your life for all your days!!
Step 1: Download your workbook
Step 2: Watch Lesson 5
Step 3: Post your fun answers in the Facebook Group as instructed in the video and the workbook
A) One local place you found that could be a potential fun magnet
B) What you're going to put in your fun toolkit and what you're going to put your toolkit IN (the container itself)
C) One thing you got out of this five day challenge
Lesson 5
Lesson 5 Workbook
Bonus - Have More Fun Meditation
Listen to this super easy 6 minute positive affirmation meditation! Bring in more fun and joy to your day.