Agent of Happiness 2024 torrent
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On his remote mountain journey, he searches for fulfillment

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Amber, a happiness agent, travels the Bhutanese Himalayas surveying people's happiness.

Watched this at the 2024 Sundance Film FestivalBhutan culture is rarely spoken from the media and all and this documentary is a charming, sweet, and interesting exploration about the happiness levels of Bhutan citizens with great conversations between the main peers, interesting cultural aspects explored and exploring the human self

Filmmakers Arun Bhattarai and Dorottya Zurbo are able to capture the true essence of the life of Bhutanese lifestyles and provide some really fun, bittersweet and touching interviews, discussions and camerawork throughout.Many of the discussions from the Bhutanese peers are interesting as discussions about their culture , struggles, and self were interesting to listen towards.

I'd recommend it for those who are interested in Bhutan culture

Including singing, dancing, dialogues and all.Being the first Sundance film for this festival, what a good start!